Professional Development
Advancing the Environmental Profession thru Education
The Academy of Board Certified Environmental Professionals & APU Partnership
ABCEP and APU Professional Development Partnership ProgramABCEP partners with American Public University (APU) affording CEPs free transfer credits towards advanced degrees. APU will award, at the graduate level, 6 semester hours of omnibus credit towards an MS in Environmental Policy and Management for any of the CEP functional areas. If a student is not pursuing an MS in Environmental Policy and Management, the 6 semester hours may be used as elective credits towards any other graduate degree if there are available electives. This professional development partnership began in September 2013.
Transfer Educational Credits ProgramStudents may only receive transfer credit for one functional area. If a student should be certified in more than one functional area, no additional transfer credit may be received. In order to take advantage of this new program, go to the
APU website and follow the instructions. You will need a transfer credit application and a letter from ABCEP to verify your CEP and that you are in good standing with ABCEP. To find out more information about expanding your Professional Development and other opportunities available click here
Transfer Credit Fee Waiver Provided to ABCEP MembersAmerican Public University will provide a transfer fee waiver to all ABCEP members for applications. ABCEP members will be able to have their prior education and training evaluated at no cost for the potential award of academic credit towards an academic degree or certificate. For more information on the process, please check our
transfer credit fee waiver instructions (PDF).
About American Public UniversityAPU is the first, fully online university to receive the Sloan Consortium's (Sloan-C) Ralph E. Gomory Award for Quality Online Education (2009) and two-time recipient of the Sloan-C Effective Practice Award (2009-2010).
APU has more than 150 degree and certificate programs as well as online courses to help with certifications and professional development in subjects ranging from Environmental Hazard Mitigation and Restoration (Grad Cert); Environmental Planning and Design (Grad Cert); Environmental Policy and Management (Capstone, MS); Environmental Risk Assessment (Grad Cert); Environmental Science with four concentrations (BS), Environmental Sustainability (Grad Cert); Environmental Technology (Undergrad Cert), Fish and Wildlife Management (Grad Cert, Undergrad Cert), Transportation & Logistics, Business Administration, Information Technology, and many others.
APU's combined undergraduate tuition, fees and books are roughly 20% less than the average 4-year public university's instate rates, helping to maximize your tuition assistance program. (The College Board, Trends in College Pricing 2011, October 2011.)