Nominate a peer for the Kramer Award and the Emerging Environmental Professional Award - annually issued - nominations due each Spring.
Dr. Richard J. Kramer, CEP Memorial Award for Environmental Excellence
The Dr. Richard J. Kramer Award for Environmental Excellence was established to nationally recognize extraordinary achievements of individuals in the environmental profession. The award, which was first presented in 2004, is open to all ABCEP members, and includes worldwide recognition, a 0.999 fine silver medallion and a laser-engraved birds-eye maple plaque.
More details can be found here. 2020 Kramer Award
Kelly Lyles, CEP
After earning her undergraduate degree from Kenyon College (Ohio) and graduate degree from Duke University (North Carolina). Her environmental career started with surface transportation projects acting on behalf of the Maryland State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) serving as Environmental Manager for numerous streetscapes, bridge, highway, and recreational trail projects. In this role, she managed project staff, lead project approvals and facilitated the required National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation. She also coordinated with various local, state, federal, and private entities regarding impacts/project issues ranging from Sections 4(f), 6(f), and 106 impacts and intense community concerns such as adverse noise, vibration, and visual impacts.
The Maryland Transit Administration (MDOT MTA) approached her to serve as their Environmental Planning Senior Advisor. In this role, she managed a team of ten environmental specialists, GIS Specialists, and dozens of consultants working for the MDOT MTA. Projects under her management included the Susquehanna River Rail Bridge (EA/FONSI), Baltimore and Potomac Tunnel (EIS/ROD), Bayview MARC Platform and Pedestrian Bridge (CE), TIGER VII Grant application, BWI 4th Track and Station (EA/FONSI), Corridor Cities Transitway (EA/FONSI), Southern Maryland Rapid Transit (Planning Study), Sustainability Plan, and the development of the MDOT MTA’s Environmental Division’s Standard Operating Procedures.
Once established as a key NEPA practitioner, Ms. Lyles established KLT Group, LLC, a minority-owned, environmental consulting firm focused on providing a full range of NEPA documentation, environmental policy, resiliency planning, grant writing, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping/analysis services. KLT Group, LLC was established in 2016 as a Maryland based LLC with Ms. Lyles owning 100 percent in the company. Since it’s inception, KLT Group, LLC quickly became a respected, sought after environmental consulting firm in Maryland. She has since hired employees who have similar professionalism, leadership, and ethics to ensure KLT Group stays at the forefront on process improvement, quality, and leadership. Projects KLT Group is currently working on include the Superconducting Magnetic Levitation train (SCMaglev) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Skipjack Wind EIS, VirtualNEPATM development and implementation, Maryland Resiliency Toolbox for the MDOT/Maryland Transit Administration, GIS analysis for bus operations and pedestrian wayfinding, and numerous project management roles within the state of Maryland.
Ms. Lyles recent experience includes serving as lead Environmental Manager for the MDOT SCMAGLEV EIS/Section 4(f) Evaluation, which is proposing high-speed rail technology that runs on a grade- separated, fixed guideway powered by magnetic forces through several counties and metropolitan areas in Maryland. In this role she serves as the primary liaison between the state of Maryland (MDOT) and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) as well as agency facilitator for the 32 cooperating/participating agencies of the project. Ms. Lyles has developed and established VirtualNEPATM for this project, which is an innovative tool streamlining the NEPA review process.
Kelly has also served as Senior Advisor for numerous NEPA documents throughout Maryland and for various public and private clients. She was responsible for leading staff through the NEPA and MEPA processes, coordinating with agencies, stakeholders and the public, QA/QC of all documents, presentations and compliance procedures. She has also won clients over $14M worth of grant funding for various state and local projects in Maryland.
Previous recipients include:2019 – James Elliott, CEP – Environmental Assessment
2018 – Elizabeth 'Liz' Johnson, CEP – Environmental Documentation
2017 – Dr. Kris Thoemke, CEP – Environmental Planning
2016 – Jennifer Lundberg, CEP – Environmental Documentation
2015 – Gary F. Kelman, MS, CEP – Environmental Documentation
2014 - Heidi Pruess, CEP – Environmental Operations
2013 - Connie Chitwood, CEP – Environmental Documentation
2012 – Lori Cunniff, CEP – Environmental Documentation
2011 – Richard P. McGucken, CEP – Emeritus
2010 – Irving D. Cohen, CEP – Environmental Assessment
2009 – John J. Fittipaldi, CEP – Environmental Planning
2008 – Richard E. Burke, CEP – Environmental Documentation
2007 - Michael R. Herbaugh, CEP – Environmental Assessment
2006 - Audrey Binder, CEP – Environmental Planning
2005 – Norman Arnold, CEP – Environmental Documentation
2004 – Dr. Robert A. Michaels, CEP – Environmental Assessment
The Emerging Environmental Professional Achievement Award is specifically focused on recognizing those under 35 years of age who demonstrate superior leadership, professional involvement, commitment to foster environmental improvement, and actions to help make the world a better place for future generations. This award is open to any young professional, with the recipient being featured in the ABCEP and NAEP’s publications. The recipient will also be eligible to apply for certification as either a CEP-IT or CEP through ABCEP, and application fees to join ABCEP will be waived for the first year.
More details can be found here. 2020 Emerging Environmental Professional Achievement Award
Siddharth (Sid) Rajmohan, CEP-IT
Mr. Siddharth (Sid) Rajmohan serves as the Area Managing Partner for ERM’s Central and North Texas operations, and is a nationally recognized air quality specialist and seasoned environmental professional, having led more than 1,250 environmental projects across local, national, and global environmental needs. At the age of 30, Mr. Rajmohan became one of the youngest Partners globally at ERM, an environmental, health, safety, and sustainability consultancy with presence in over 40 countries. Mr. Rajmohan’s environmental experience ranges from complex and innovative air quality projects, regulatory compliance, and environmental audits, to environmental management systems, environmental strategy, and corporate sustainability reporting. He has demonstrated expertise in leading large multi-year national and global environmental projects with teams of engineers spanning across 10+ countries. Mr. Rajmohan is passionate about environmental stewardship and sustainability, is active in the environmental professional community, and has authored white papers and presented in technical conferences on complex environmental topics. Mr. Rajmohan loves mentoring and coaching Partners, young engineers, and emerging leaders in the environmental field, and identifies this to be the most fulfilling aspect of his role as an Area Manager and Partner at ERM.
Previous recipients include: 2019 – Maggi Young, CEP-IT
2018 – Nicolas Piane, CEP-IT
2017 – Tina McIntrye, CEP
2013 – Heather Rickleff, CEP-IT
Please contact ABCEPs Executive Administrator; send an e-mail to if you have any questions about either award or their nominations process.