Code of Ethics

Introduction. The objectives of Environmental Professionals are to conduct their personal and professional lives and activities in an ethical manner. Honesty, justice and courtesy form moral philosophy which, associated with a mutual interest among people, constitute the foundation of ethics. Environmental Professionals should recognize such a standard, not in passive observance, but as a set of dynamic principles guiding their conduct and way of life. It is their duty to practice their profession according to this Code of Ethics. As the keystone of professional conduct is integrity, Environmental Professionals will discharge their duties with fidelity to the public, their employers, clients, and with fairness and impartiality to all. It is their duty to interest themselves in public welfare, and to be ready to apply their special knowledge for the benefit of mankind and their environment.

Creed. The objectives of the Environmental Professional are:
1. To recognize and attempt to reconcile societal and individual human needs with responsibility for physical, natural, and cultural systems.
2. To promote and develop policies, plans, activities and projects that achieve complementary and mutual support between natural and man-made, and present and future components of the physical, natural and cultural environment.

Ethics. As an Environmental Professional I will:
1. Be personally responsible for the validity of all data collected, analyses performed, or plans developed by me or under my direction. I will be responsible and ethical in my professional activities.
2. Encourage research, planning, design, management and review of activities in a scientifically and technically objective manner. I will incorporate the best principles of the environmental sciences for the mitigation of environmental harm and enhancement of environmental quality.
3. Not condone misrepresentation of work I have performed or that was performed under my direction.
4. Examine all of my relationships or actions which could be legitimately interpreted as a conflict of interest by clients, officials, the public or peers. In any instance where I have a financial or personal interest in the activities with which they are directly or indirectly involved, I will make a full disclosure of that interest to my employer, client, or other affected parties.
5. Not engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation or discrimination.
6. Not accept fees wholly or partially contingent on the client's desired result where that desired result conflicts with my professional judgment.

Guidance for Practice as an Environmental Professional. As an Environmental Professional I will:
1. Encourage environmental planning to begin in the earliest stages of project conceptualization.
2. Recognize that total environmental management involves the consideration of all environmental factors including: technical, economic, ecological, and sociopolitical and their relationships.
3. Incorporate the best principle of design and environmental planning when recommending measures to reduce environmental harm and enhance environmental quality.
4. Conduct my analysis, planning, design and review my activities primarily in subject areas for which I am qualified, and shall encourage and recognize the participation of other professionals in subject areas where I am less experienced. I shall utilize and participate in interdisciplinary teams wherever practical to determine impacts, define and evaluate all reasonable alternatives to proposed actions, and assess short-term versus long-term productivity with and without the project or action.
5. Seek common, adequate, and sound technical grounds for communication with and respect for the contributions of other professionals in developing and reviewing policies, plans, activities, and projects.
6. Determine that the policies, plans, activities or projects in which I am involved are consistent with all governing laws, ordinances, guidelines, plans, and policies, to the best of my knowledge and ability.
7. Encourage public participation at the earliest feasible time in an open and productive atmosphere.
8. Conduct my professional activities in a manner that ensures consideration of technically and economically feasible alternatives.

Encourage Development of the Profession. As an Environmental Professional I will:
1. Assist in maintaining the integrity and competence of my profession.
2. Encourage education and research, and the development of useful technical information relating to the environmental field.
3. Be prohibited from lobbying in the name of the National Association of Environmental Professionals.
4. Advertise and present my services in a manner that avoids the use of material and methods that may bring discredit to the profession. 

The Academy of Board Certified Environmental Professionals, Inc. Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice for Environmental Professionals AFFIRMATION: I hereby affirm and agree that I will abide by the Code of Ethics of the Association. I further understand that falsification of the contents of this application will be grounds for rejection and/or termination of my Association membership and revocation of all benefits resulting there from.
